11 February 2012

Weekend Update 2

The Technology Integration Teams are so impressed with the comments that are being left with each of the posts.  We wanted to share some statistics from the past week:
Number of followers of the blog:  48
Number of page views in the last 7 days: 1208
Number of page views in February: 2734
Total number of comments left:  201

It is also with great pleasure to announce that the grand prize has been purchased and is currently in transit to the district.  Dr. George has purchased a....well, let's just say it is made by a company with a fruit for the logo.  The winner will be picked on March 1st and announced both on the blog and at the reception on March 2nd.

Now, it is with great pleasure that our Weekend Update takes a turn to focus on a particular teacher.  Rose Smith, Art teacher at Thompson School contacted us about becoming a contributor to the blog.  Even though the blog is maintained by the Tech Committees of South and Bayshore, we didn't want to deny that enthusiasm.  Therefore, we decided to showcase the website of Mrs. Smith and her students.

Wall of Student Artwork

Main Artsonia Page

We took a look through the amazing artwork the students were producing and wanted to share our favorites

It is makes us so proud to bring attention the work of teachers like Mrs. Smith.  Her students are doing remarkable work and Mrs. Smith is sharing that with the world through this website.  We applaud you, Mrs. Smith.  Keep up the great work!!


  1. Congrats Rose!! I always love going by the halls and looking at the great work your kids are doing!! I love the website and how you always ask us to help vote throughout the year :)

  2. Thanks for showcasing Artsonia! They are great, and I have been participating with their site since its inception many years ago. We have many great art teachers in the district doing great work and it would be my wish for them all to be showcasing their programs on Artsonia! Not only is it a great way for parents to see the work but Artsonia generously kicks back to the art programs. The site is interactive and also offers other benefits like lesson plans for teachers, art contests, and much more! Thanks again Marc and team!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ah - the fruit is an Apple and the surprise is an Ipad!

  4. I am constantly awestruck by the fantastic work that Rose's students produce year after year. It is definitely a tribute to her fine artistic talents and her love of children that allows for every one of her students to create beautiful works of art. I'm proud to be her colleague and friend.

  5. What a fantastic way to showcase the students' artwork!! I am sure it is a lot of work for the art teachers to upload all of the pictures or scans, but once in a while if they could share on the district website, how cool!!!

    1. It is actually very easy to upload the digital photos. They have awesome up-loaders that can upload a 1000 photos at one time!!

  6. I had forgotten all the great things I like about Artsonia. Thanks for the reminder!
    It's not only a really easy way to share student artworks visually, it's fun that parents can actually buy products that feature that artwork so that they can enjoy it every day!

  7. Lori Mulholland Thorne Middle SchoolFebruary 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM

    My own children used this is their preschool. It was always so nice to be able to see all of the artwork they have done!! They send e-mail to the parents with different offers of things you can but...mugs, bags, etc with the artwork. Love this!!!

  8. Wonderful job, Rose! I love how your students' work brightens the halls.

  9. Thanks so much for posting. I actually received note cards with my daughter's pictures on it from Artsonia. I also was glad to have many of the Thompson students in my class vote in some of the art contests. You help your art students to create some amazing work. When they post their work it really makes Thompson Middle School SHINE!
